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System Requirements:

The PrefixNE system contains three elements:
Repository � a storage area containing data reported by the Agents.
Console � the management software package that controls the Agents and their data.
Agents � a light weight software package installed on each managed computer.
Repository Server:
  • Any version of Windows server
  • 250Kb Per managed computer
  • Administration Console:
  • Windows 9x, XP, W2k, Vista, Windows-7, W2003, W2008 all versions.
  • Any Pentium class processor
  • Typical 30Mb disk space.
  • Managed Computer:
  • Windows 9x, XP, W2k, Vista, Windows-7, W2003, W2008 all versions.
  • Any Pentium class processor
  • 5Mb disk space
  • Please note:
    PrefixNE is targeted for IT professionals with administrator rights to their network
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