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Prefix in Action education

PrefixNE in action in the education sector

Having worked with various educational establishments, Prefix IT understands the particular network management challenges faced by schools, colleges and other organisations in the sector. With extensive networks used by staff and students, often spread across multiple campuses, central control is essential. Key requirements include:

Automated, centralised remote control of all PCs, across multiple locations
The ability to ensure that all PCs are switched off at the end of every day, reducing the threat of abuse and slashing electricity bills
Full control over the downloading and use of unauthorised applications
The ability to stop users from downloading large files or using peer-to-peer applications, thus ensuring network efficiency and reducing threats to network security
Tools to ensure that all software in use on the network is fully license compliant

A private school in the South East of England with more than 500 pupils, over 30 staff and a network of around 160 PCs came to Prefix IT with these requirements, as well as the need for real time analysis of hardware and software assets to facilitate the assessment, control and planning of upgrades to its network PCs.

PrefixNE has enabled the school to regain control over its network, ensured that all of its software is properly licensed, and saved the IT Manager hours which were previously spent going from classroom to classroom sorting out problems on individual PCs.

"PrefixNE has made a huge difference," said the IT Manager. "Now, I always know exactly what's installed on the network, and that our software is all properly licensed. And I don't have to spend half my working day tramping all over the school sorting out problems – I can do everything from the central console."

PrefixNE gives the IT professional full control over all network assets, enables remote control of individual PCs, groups of PCs and software usage, and ensures licensing compliance across the network.

PrefixNE. Power and control over your network assets.


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