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One on One actions fail to connect One on One actions (Remote task manager, remote storage explorer, and remote registry editor), use WMI to perform their actions. If firewall settings do not permit WMI to run or Remote Admin is disabled, these will not work.

To solve this, one can open a cmd window on the machine and type:

netsh firewall set service RemoteAdmin enable

However this would still mean going to each machine or remotely connecting to it to run it. 

Alternatives are:

  1. Download PSExec which is part of the PSTools suite, it's free and owned by Microsoft.  This lets you run that script remotely and it doesn't show on the users PC and doesn't require a remote agent of any sort to be running on their machine. This can be found here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/sysinternals/default.aspx

    The text for that on a cmd window of my local PC is:

    psexec \\computername netsh firewall set service RemoteAdmin enable

    You can also run this once at a domain level by putting \\* instead of the computername. 
  2. If a prefixNE agent is installed on the remote machine, use "Remote Manage" -> "Execute" and type

    netsh firewall set service RemoteAdmin enable
    at the "Program Path".
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